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Channel Study

Enterprises developed a wide variety of products but failed to have them reached to target customer groups through effective sales channels, there will be a common problem of "sales channels bottleneck" restricting the development of enterprises.

Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a scientific analysis and planning of the channel type and characteristics investigation, the formulation of the channel strategy, the selection of the channel members, the channel performance evaluation. From two dimensions of circulation market survey plus retail market survey, we usually choose the following analysis index to provide you with channel study service covering from the channel set-up to management evaluation.

• Channel structure and capability: Pinpoint the key channel

• Competition status between various channels: Lay out better channel strategy

• Channel penetration: The ability to measure the revenue generating of channels

• The product circulation and profitability within each channel: Channel efficiency study

• The user's purchase habits and satisfaction degree: Measure channel’s current status and future potential from a user perspective


Channel Study framework:

• Channel planning: Channel architecture design, network planning and layout, the dealer recruitment standards, channel policy research, etc.

• Channel operational control: User satisfaction, channel satisfaction, mystery shopper, channel audit and retailer tracking etc.

• Channel performance improvement: Channel layout optimization, upgrade the hardware facilities and service process optimization, sales performance improvement etc.


• In-depth interviews

• Observation

• Questionnaire survey

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